General Information

Scoring Instructions

To assist scorers with the correct process for scoring, please click more for some instructions...

LYVNA Grading System

LYVNA conduct grading throughout the first 3-4 weeks of every season. Every week the results of every match are assessed, teams are regraded as required and fixtures updated. There are a number points that all players, parents and coaches need to be aware of.

Click more for details.


Lillydale and Yarra Valley Netball Club is Affilliated with Netball Australia and Netball Victoria and abides by their policies and guidelines.

All Clubs and their members Affiliated with Lillydale and Yarra Valley Netball Association must meet the all the requirements regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by .....


Click more to download the current LYVNA Bylaws

Committee Descriptions

LYVNA Committee is made up of volunteers nominated by affiliate Clubs within the Association

The Committee is made up of 4 Executive positions and 3-7 general committee.

There are many different roles that need to be filled by the committee and we always welcome new faces.
Click more to view or download the Role Descriptions

Association Booklet

Click on more to download the LYVNA information booklet.



The Association abides by the Netball Victoria guidelines.
The decision to cancel games is made by the LYVNA committee.
The Bureau of Meteorology website is used to gauge the temperature/conditions.
Click more for further details.

Working With Children Check

Click more for details on Working With Children Checks
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